Planned Giving
Leave a Legacy for future generations
Gifts in a will (or bequests) are by far the most popular type of planned gift. By remembering Plast in your will, you will ensure the future of Plast by leaving a legacy for future generations of youth, without giving away any assets and funds that you need now. It also reduces the taxes payable on your estate as your estate will receive a charitable tax receipt for the gift.
There are different ways to create a gift in your will in support of Plast:
Specific bequest: a gift of a fixed amount of cash or a particular asset
Percentage share: a gift of a percentage of your whole estate
Contingent bequest: a gift that will take effect only in the event of the prior death of other named beneficiaries
If you are about to have a will drafted for the first time or are considering making changes to your current will, your lawyer can include a bequest to Plast Toronto Branch. Your lawyer can also update or change your will at any time.
If you wish, you may notify us of your intention to give, so that we may be aware of your plans, and, if you you are amenable, acknowledge your generous pledge today to encourage others to consider to do the same.
Please contact Lada Darewych | Executive Director at 416-236-9998 if you have any questions.